

Current words Clay is routinely saying...

"moo" when asked what a cow says.

"ruff ruff ruff" when asked what a dog says.

"mah mah" when talking to me - it's VERY drawn out...maaahhhh maaahhhh.


"down" when he wants out of his high chair.

"buh buh" for belly button.

"bath" all the time asking for a bath.

"buuuk" otherwise known as book.

"yuck" anytime he sees trash, a trash bag, anytime something gets on his hands, or anytime he is downright unhappy with any situation.

"huh" means yes when asked if he's hungry.

"whah" for water.

"mill" for milk.


"bike" oh how he loves bikes! He will find a bike in any store we go in - he's just like his daddy. (not to mention that he will knock on the closet door where the bikes are - for hours if we would let him - wishing for them to come out so he can play with them.)

I'm sure there are more but those were the ones I have heard in the last ten minutes!

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